Beautiful Village Development Meeting and Kutuh Village TikLiDaKu - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Beautiful Village Development Meeting and Kutuh Village TikLiDaKu

Beautiful Village Development Meeting and Kutuh Village TikLiDaKu

November 16, 2021 | Other Activities

Kutuh Village was designated as one of 15 villages as candidates for the 2021 Beautiful Village award. To obtain comprehensive information about the implementation of the Beautiful Village Program in 15 candidate villages, a team consisting of a combination of the Beautiful Village Secretariat Team, Education and Training Center, Social Security, and Public Relations Team BPS carries out visitation and ground check activities to selected village locations so that the results of the assessment can be carried out objectively starting on the 17th November 25, 2021.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 BPS Badung Regency held a Development Meeting for Beautiful Village and TikLiDaKu Kutuh Village. This meeting discussed the preparation of the KIM (Community Information Community) work plan in activating the statistical love community group, ensuring the commitment to provide IMK data in SIADEK and preparation for the Beautiful Village assessment visitation (Cinta Statistik) which will be carried out in the next week. Hopefully this coaching will be successful, and Kutuh Village can indeed be an example of a Statistics Love Village in Indonesia.


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