TikLiDaKu Guidance for Kutuh Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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TikLiDaKu Guidance for Kutuh Village

TikLiDaKu Guidance for Kutuh Village

August 13, 2021 | Other Activities

On Friday, August 13, 2021, the Badung Regency BPS coordinated with the Village Secretary and the Kutuh Village Government Section Staff regarding the 2021 TikLiDaKu Guidance Program. Currently in Kutuh Village, which is also part of the Beautiful Village program, there are 5 types of Application Systems available. related to the data developed by the Kutuh Village Apparatus, including: SIADEK, Prodeskel, Epdeskel, Village IDM, and Village SDGS. One data publication without an Application System is: Monograph Data which is published every semester. SIADEK is a Population Administration System created and run by the Kutuh Village Government Apparatus, which contains reports on population data and population mutations according to male and female gender whose reports are reported every month.

The next work plan for the TikLiDaku program in Kutuh Village is to evaluate the SIADEK application, because the availability of the data will be able to meet the population data needs on a quarterly, even monthly basis.


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#DataIntellecting the Nation

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