Coordination of TikLiDaKu 2021 Guidance at the Tibubeneng Village Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Coordination of TikLiDaKu 2021 Guidance at the Tibubeneng Village Office

Coordination of TikLiDaKu 2021 Guidance at the Tibubeneng Village Office

August 19, 2021 | Other Activities

On Friday 19 August 2021, the Badung Regency BPS coordinated with the Head of Tibubeneng Village Government, North Kuta District regarding the 2021 TikLiDaKu Guidance at the Tibubeneng Village Office. There are 4 types of population data application systems carried out by the Tibubeneng Village Apparatus, namely: Prodeskel, Epdeskel, village SDGS, and SIAK. There is one type of population report that does not use the Application System, namely Population Movements which are recorded manually by each Head Office, which also includes seasonal residents or non-permanent residents.

For the next work plan, an evaluation of the Prodeskel and Epdeskel will be carried out because the publications for these programs are already available.


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