Socialization of the Launching of the Statistic Love Village (Desa Cantik) Badung Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Socialization of the Launching of the Statistic Love Village (Desa Cantik) Badung Regency

Socialization of the Launching of the Statistic Love Village (Desa Cantik) Badung Regency

June 29, 2021 | Other Activities

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 BPS Badung Regency held a Socialization of the Launching of the Cinta Statistics Village (Desa Cantik) at the Kutuh Village Office. Kutuh Village was chosen as the Beautiful Village in Badung Regency because of the achievements that have been achieved. The Beautiful Village Program is practical to provide guidance related to the implementation of activities ranging from data collection, inspection, processing and displaying data.

This socialization event was carried out in order to enter the stage of the Beautiful Village program, namely seeking information on village statistical needs. At this stage, BPS through the village statistics supervisor coordinates communication with relevant village officials to determine statistical needs in the village.

The data that will be produced by Kutuh Village is expected to be useful, especially for Kutuh Village and the Kutuh Village community to the District and Badung Regency levels. This program will be implemented in a sustainable manner because there are several steps that must be done so that later a village will be born that does not only study statistics, but has a good understanding of utilizing its own village data. Hopefully the beautiful village program in Kutuh can run well and smoothly and can be an example for other villages in Badung Regency.


#Beautiful Village
#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation

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