The Beautiful Village Program and the Badung Regency BPS TikLiDaKu Program - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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The Beautiful Village Program and the Badung Regency BPS TikLiDaKu Program

The Beautiful Village Program and the Badung Regency BPS TikLiDaKu Program

July 9, 2021 | Other Activities

Friday 9 July 2021 BPS Badung Regency held an online planning meeting for the Cinta Statistics Village Program (Desa Cantik) and the Supporting Data Guardian Statistics Program (TikLiDaKu) of the Badung Regency BPS. This meeting aims to determine the design of the Beautiful Village work program and the TikLiDaKu work program.

In the implementation of the development of Beautiful Village, BPS Badung Regency plans to use applications that have been owned by Kutuh Village such as SIAK and SIADEK in conducting guidance, in addition to other village-based data collection.

The Supporting Data Guardian Statistics Development Program (TikLiDaKu) is a work program for fostering the implementation of K/L/D/I sectoral statistical activities to support K/L/D/I in submitting statistical recommendations and fostering K/L/D/I in preparing statistical activity metadata. The difference between this program and the Beautiful Village program is that it covers a wider area of ​​activity by involving the District Statistics Coordinator and Function Coordinator as the executor of the activities.


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