Virtual Apple November 17, 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Virtual Apple November 17, 2021

Virtual Apple November 17, 2021

November 17, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS Badung Regency conducts apples which are routinely held every Monday and every 17th of every month. On Wednesday, November 17, 2021, BPS Badung Regency again held a virtual rally and was attended by all employees.

At this apple, the Head of BPS Badung Regency read out the mandate of the Director of Price Statistics because on November 15, 2021 BPS Badung Regency took part in the Integrity Zone Evaluation from the integrity zone evaluation team of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia. In the mandate, he conveyed the Direction for Change of BPS 2021-2024, including paying attention to efforts to improve the quality of performance of every BPS employee, both at the central and regional levels. So that by the year 2022, the direction of BPS' changes to become more real is to create human resources that are more well-performing.

The event continued with general directions from the Head of the Badung Regency BPS regarding discipline and a code of ethics which is a guide for employees to carry out their work. Implementation of the Government Internal Control System (SPIP) carried out in various ways including the implementation of a whistle blowing system, a public complaint system, performance verification, financial verification, and risk control as well as adequate progress and quality control. In addition, the cultivation of a culture of excellent service which is part of the main activities of ASN should be carried out not only for services to the public but also internally so that all process activities run smoothly.

On the occasion of this apple, the evaluation of RB management, evaluation of HR management, evaluation of project management, evaluation of SAKIP management was also presented, the addition of a submenu to the SiDoI (Documentation and Information System) formed by BPS Badung Regency and discussions related to the budget.
At the end of the event, a Bureaucratic Reform (RB) quiz was held to increase employee understanding of the implementation of RB that had been implemented in Badung Regency.


#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation
Badan Pusat Statistik

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