International Anti-Corruption Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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International Anti-Corruption Day

International Anti-Corruption Day

December 9, 2021 | Other Activities

Today, December 9, 2021, is celebrated as World Anti-Corruption Day or International Anti-Corruption Day.

In addition to undermining democracy, corruption can slow economic development and contribute to government instability.

In March 2021 the Central Statistics Agency has conducted the Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey. This survey aims to measure an individual's assessment, knowledge, behavior, and experience regarding individual anti-corruption behavior in Indonesia. To measure anti-corruption behavior in the community, an indicator is compiled, namely the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK). The IPAK value ranges on a scale of 0 to 5. The closer to 5 means the better. This means that people behave more and more anti-corruption. In 2021, the national level IPAK value is 3.88, which is higher than in 2020, which is 3.84. This increase is due to the increasing public perception of anti-corruption towards certain behaviors.

Data on IPAK is presented in the 2021 Anti-Corruption Behavior Index Publication which can be accessed by #SahabatData via


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