Community Behavior Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period February 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Community Behavior Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period February 2022

Community Behavior Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period February 2022

February 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

Hello #FriendsData

The Central Statistics Agency again held a survey to obtain information on public behavior in this pandemic situation through the "Community Behavior Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic". This survey was carried out online from 16-25 February 2022.

We ask for #SahabatData's participation in this "Community Behavior Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic", by filling out the questionnaire via the following link:

It only takes about 10 minutes to complete this survey. Questions in the survey include people's behavior in the midst of a pandemic and how people respond to pandemic situations. Don't worry the confidentiality of #SahabatData's answer will be maintained.

The survey results can provide important information for the government in dealing with the impact of COVID-19. Therefore, we ask #SahabatData to spread this survey link to all networks of friends, family, colleagues, and others within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.


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