Signing of The Cooperation Agreement for The Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK) of Badung Reg - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Signing of The Cooperation Agreement for The Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK) of Badung Reg

Signing of The Cooperation Agreement for The Happiness Level Measurement Survey (SPTK) of Badung Reg

April 18, 2022 | BPS Activities

Mangupura, April 18, 2022 Head of Badung Regency BPS together with the Coordinator of the Badung Regency BPS Social Statistics Function was present in the Badung Regency Research and Development Agency Meeting Room to signing the Cooperation Agreement between the Badung Regency Research and Development Agency and the Badung Regency Statistics Agency on Level Measurement Survey Happiness in Badung Regency in 2022.

This cooperation agreement is the basis for establishing partnerships in the development of statistics in Badung Regency, especially in formulating and producing the Happiness Index number of Badung Regency. This figure will be used as a measure of the level of achievement of the vision of Badung Regency in 2021 - 2026 namely "Continuing the happiness of the Badung people through development based on Tri Hita Karana".


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