Passenger Exit Survey (PES) 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Passenger Exit Survey (PES) 2022

Passenger Exit Survey (PES) 2022

May 13, 2022 | BPS Activities

In 2022, the Central Statistics Agency for Badung Regency will again carry out the Passenger Exit Survey (PES) survey with the aim of completing the availability of foreign tourist data. The main objective of this survey is to obtain data on the average expenditure per visit and the average length of stay of foreign tourists in Indonesia. In addition, PES is also used to obtain other information from foreign tourists visiting Indonesia, such as the demographic profile of foreign tourists (gender, age, nationality, and main occupation) and travel patterns of foreign tourists (main purpose of visit, type of accommodation used, and mode of transportation). ).

Based on the results of the Passenger Exit Survey (PES) activity conducted in 2020, foreign tourists visiting Indonesia were dominated by managers at 60.34 percent, followed by professionals and government employees/employees/technicians at 10.42 percent and 8, respectively. 55 percent. This data can be accessed #SahabatData on the publication of Foreign Tourist Expenditure Statistics 2020 or on the page


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