Beautiful Village Development in Punggul Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Beautiful Village Development in Punggul Village

Beautiful Village Development in Punggul Village

June 13, 2022 | Other Activities

The development of Beautiful Village was again continued in Punggul Village, Abiansemal, Badung on June 13, 2022. The coaching was carried out following up on the initial hearing that had been held previously. This time the coaching was carried out directly by the Head of BPS Badung Regency, with an agenda for evaluating the implementation of statistical activities in Punggul Village.

Punggul Village is already very well known and well established in the use of information technology in conducting data collection. On this occasion, two data collections were evaluated, namely SiAdek and SIMBPD. SiAdek is a population data collection system that includes data on immigrants, and is the forerunner of data inputted into the SIAK (Population Administration Information System) prepared by Disdukcapil. Meanwhile, SIMBPD is an information system that is used to get direct input from the community to the Village Consultative Body (BPD) regarding matters that need to be further developed in the village.
From the results of the evaluation, it was found that several points needed to be improved and followed up including the inclusion of concepts and definitions of the data collection variables covered, the implementation of officer briefings for new data collection officers, providing various guidelines in the implementation of briefings, data collection, supervision, and preparation of data collection reports. From the administrative side, it is also conveyed to be able to register data collection to get statistical recommendations and to report meta data on the results of data collection to BPS Badung Regency every year.

The Village Beauty development activities will continue in Punggul Village during 2022, and hopefully Punggul Village can become a Beautiful Village that truly loves Statistics and applies statistical principles in its good administrative governance.


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#DataIntellecting the Nation
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