December 21, 2023 | BPS Activities
Thursday, 21 December 2023 Head of BPS Badung Regency and his team held an audience with the Deputy Regent of Badung. This hearing aims to convey the results of the Badung Regency strategic data release which will be released throughout 2023 to the Badung Regency Government.
The data submitted includes data on poverty, unemployment, results of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023), Price Development Index (IPH), Macro Indicators, as well as Evaluation Results of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS).
From the data presented, one of the interesting data is the poverty data for Badung Regency where Badung Regency is ranked first as the Regency with the lowest percentage of poor people out of 416 Regencies in Indonesia. The percentage of poor people in Badung Regency in 2023 will be 2.30%.
The data was packaged in a booklet and report and handed over directly at the end of the hearing by the Head of Badung Regency BPS to the Deputy Regent of Badung. Mr. I Ketut Suiasa, who was accompanied by the Head of the Badung Regency Bappeda, expressed his gratitude to the Badung Regency BPS for the data that had been produced and presented along with the phenomena of field conditions.
Badung Regency BPS really hopes that this data can be used by the Badung Regency Government as a basis for making policies and as a better plan for future development of Badung Regency.
For Data Friends who want to access complete data, let's visit our website at
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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