Award for Submission of Semester I PNBP 2019 on Time - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Award for Submission of Semester I PNBP 2019 on Time

Award for Submission of Semester I PNBP 2019 on Time

October 15, 2019 | Other Activities

According to Law No. 9 of 2018, PNBP is a levy paid by individuals or entities by obtaining direct or indirect benefits for services or use of resources, and rights obtained by the state, based on statutory regulations that become the reception of the Central Government outside of revenue taxation and grants and managed in the state budget mechanism.

BPS Badung Regency is one of the satker managing PNBP within the scope of the Director General of the Treasury of the Province of Bali. The PNBP fund source that is managed is the result of collaboration with the Regional Government of Badung Regency in the Survey of Happiness Level Measurement (SPTK) of the Regency of Badung.

On Tuesday, October 15, during the Sharing Session of the Implementation of the Third Quarter of 2019 Budget and the Communication Forum of the PNBP Satker, the Badung Regency BPS received a certificate of appreciation for submitting the 2019 PNBP I report in timely manner. Congratulations to the Badung Regency BPS, hopefully you can continue to maintain and improve the current performance.
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