Virtual Apple September 20, 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Virtual Apple September 20, 2021

Virtual Apple September 20, 2021

September 20, 2021 | Other Activities

Monday, September 20, 2021 BPS Badung Regency will hold regular apples every Monday. This apple was attended by all employees via virtual.

In the mandate of the Director of Statistics for Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantations which was read by the Head of BPS Badung Regency, it was stated that the changes that occurred in the current era of disruption were increasingly fast and complex. This requires BPS to become a learning organization that is always adaptive as a form of transformation.

One of the important themes of the direction of change in BPS in 2021-2024 is regarding the New Work Procedure. There are 3 strategic issues in realizing the new work procedure, namely: Pattern of Work Relations as a result of organizational simplification and equalization of positions is not yet available, Flexible Working Space in anticipation of new ways of working does not yet have a comprehensive basis/indicator, and the Office Automation System is not yet optimal.

He also conveyed an action plan to address the issue of Employment Relationship Patterns as a result of organizational simplification and the unavailability of job equalization, namely a new employment relationship pattern. With the regulation of a new agile and collaborative working relationship pattern, as well as a more concise bureaucracy, it is hoped that it can spur all of us to work more effectively and efficiently in order to produce higher quality data.

All ASN BPS are also required to be able to collaborate and contribute actively according to their respective roles to achieve organizational goals.


#Virtual Apples
#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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