Beautiful Village Award - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Beautiful Village Award

Beautiful Village Award

December 6, 2021 | Other Activities

Jakarta, December 6, 2021, the Village Love Statistics (Village of Beauty) event will be held with the theme "Village of Love Statistics" to Build Villages Towards Prosperity. The Head of BPS Badung Regency accompanied the Head of Kutuh Village to attend this Statistic Love Village Award (Desa Cantik) to receive the Kutuh Village award as the 10 Best Beautiful Villages in 2021.

In this event, the Head of BPS RI conveyed the importance of data in development as well as conveyed several thoughts on the importance of data in development at the village level. Villages should no longer be placed as objects in development, but villages should be placed as subjects as well as spearheads in development in Indonesia. Therefore, for BPS, it is an important part to be present to accompany the Village Head and Village Apparatus regarding the importance of the use of statistics in development in the village, the goal is that the village can carry out development planning in accordance with the potential possessed by each village.

In the development process as stated in Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data, data has a very important role starting from development planning, where data can be used as information in the preparation of development policy planning. Then in the implementation of development, the data can be used as a guide in the implementation of development in accordance with the goals that have been set. Data also plays an important role as part of development evaluation and also as development control.

Congratulations to Kutuh Village for winning the award for the 10 Best Beautiful Villages in 2021, and congratulations to BPS Badung Regency as the supervisor.


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