December 9, 2021 | Other Activities
Thursday, December 9, 2021, the Bali Provincial Information Commission will hold an Information Disclosure Award Ceremony for Regional Apparatus Public Bodies, Vertical Agencies, Election/Election Organizers, Regional and Village-Owned Enterprises in 2021.
In this event, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Badung Regency received an award as an informative Regency/City Vertical Agency with the highest score in its group, which was 93.20. With this value, BPS Badung Regency is included in the category of an Informative Public Agency. The Public Information Disclosure award was handed over directly by the Secretary of the Bali Province at the Wiswa Sabha Utama Building, the Bali Governor's Office.
Congratulations and enthusiasm for the Central Bureau of Statistics of Badung Regency, and hopefully we as a public body can always provide information regularly, openly, and accountable to the public according to their needs.
#Bureaucracy Reform
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