Statistic Ambassador Socialization - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Statistic Ambassador Socialization

Statistic Ambassador Socialization

December 27, 2021 | Other Activities

Monday, December 27, 2021 BPS Badung Regency carried out a socialization of the work program initiated by the Badung Regency BPS this year, namely the Statistical Ambassador.

This socialization event was attended by the Badung Regency Communications and Information Office, Bali Province Education, Youth and Sports Office, Badung Regency Education, Youth and Sports Office, Village Heads and Lurah throughout Badung Regency, Middle School Principals/equivalent, High School Principals /SMK/equivalent, as well as KIM Village/Kelurahan in Badung Regency.

In this event, it was explained that the purpose of this work program is to improve the statistical literacy of the community and society as well as increase the use of statistics by the community and society. It also explained that the targets for implementing the Statistical Ambassador's work program were junior high school students, high school students, higher education students, and rural communities who would be approached through the Village and Urban Village Community Information Group (KIM).

The work activities covered by this program include the wider dissemination of statistical information, and improvement of statistical literacy through the provision and publication of statistical writings through available media.


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