Socialization and Evaluation of the Quarter II Statistics Ambassador Program for 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Socialization and Evaluation of the Quarter II Statistics Ambassador Program for 2022

Socialization and Evaluation of the Quarter II Statistics Ambassador Program for 2022

July 20, 2022 | Other Activities

In order to carry out an evaluation of the ongoing Badung Regency BPS statistical ambassador program, Wednesday 20 July 2022 BPS Badung Regency held a Socialization and Evaluation of the Statistics Ambassador Program for the Second Quarter of 2022. The event was held online and officially opened by PLT. Head of BPS Badung Regency, Mr. Dewa Made Suambara.

In this event, the Head of the BPS Statistics Ambassador Project for Badung Regency presented the materials for the Quarterly Reports for the Statistics Ambassador Program and a statistical awareness survey of the public. The event was also filled with quizzes about statistical ambassadors to hone the understanding of statistical ambassadors from junior high, high school and KIM as well as assistant statistical ambassadors.

At the end of the event, the winner of the statistical ambassador was announced based on the accumulation of the number of points collected in the second quarter of 2022.
The winner of the Statistical Ambassador for the Junior Equivalent category is SMPK 2 HARAPAN with 669 points perolehan
The winner of the Statistical Ambassador for the High School Equivalent category is SMAN 1 KUTA SELATAN with 675 points
The winner of the Statistical Ambassador for the KIM category is KIM DESA PUNGGUL with 44 points

Congratulations to the winners and to the statistical ambassadors, it is hoped that they can continue to disseminate information on statistical channels in the Badung Regency area as well as improve community and community statistical literacy at the level of junior high school and equivalent, high school equivalent, higher education, and KIM Desa/Kelurahan in Badung Regency. through writing activities, statistical-based content creation, and statistical provision.


#Statistics Ambassador
#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation
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