Socialization and Evaluation of the Statistics Ambassador Program for the First Quarter of 2022 BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Socialization and Evaluation of the Statistics Ambassador Program for the First Quarter of 2022 BPS

Socialization and Evaluation of the Statistics Ambassador Program for the First Quarter of 2022 BPS

April 13, 2022 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Badung Regency held a Socialization and Evaluation of the Activities of the Statistical Ambassadors for the First Quarter of 2022. In this event, all Statistical Ambassadors at the Junior High School, Senior High School, and Community Information Groups (KIM) were invited. ) Villages/sub-districts throughout Badung Regency. School assistants as well as the Village Head and Lurah were also invited on this occasion. The material presented in this activity was an evaluation related to the preparation of reporting on the activities of the Statistical Ambassador, the results of the First Quarter 2022 Community Statistical Awareness Survey, the debriefing material with the theme of Norms, Standards, Procedures and Criteria (NSPK) for Sectoral Statistics Activities delivered by Mr. Dr. Yudi Agusta, M.Sc. Head of BPS Badung Regency. On this occasion, socialization materials related to the Long Form SP2020 Advanced Population Census Activity were also provided by Mr. I Kadek Dwi Pramana Putra, S.Tr.Stat.

In addition to material dissemination, an evaluation was also held on this occasion related to the implementation of the Quarter I 2022 Statistics Ambassador program, the assessment was given through a system of collecting points from 6 descriptions of activities that had been previously determined. This assessment was conducted to measure the level of activity of the Statistical Ambassador in increasing his statistical capacity, activeness in finding sources of information/data/statistics, and community activity in disseminating statistics through social media, newspapers, magazines, and scientific journals. The best ranking award for the Statistical Ambassador for the Junior High School Equivalent category was won by SMPN 1 Kuta with a score of 999 points, the best ranking award for the Statistical Ambassador for the High School Equivalent category was won by SMAN 1 Kuta Utara with 310 points, and the best ranking award for the Statistical Ambassador for the KIM category was won by KIM Desa Kutuh with 80 points. On this occasion, a Statistical Ambassador Quiz was also held through Kahoot, and the 3 Quiz winners also received consolation prizes.

The Socialization and Evaluation of the Statistics Ambassador Program for the First Quarter of 2022 this time can run safely and smoothly, and it is hoped that it can provide evaluations and input related to improving program implementation in the future.


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