STIS . Statistics Polytechnic Socialization - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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STIS . Statistics Polytechnic Socialization

STIS . Statistics Polytechnic Socialization

January 15, 2022 | Other Activities

Saturday, January 15, 2022, in the context of implementing the OSIS work program, SMA Negeri 2 Abiansemal Badung in 2021/2022 held a socialization program for official schools, one of which was the Statistics Polytechnic, School of Statistics (STIS). Socialization is done to students on a limited basis, where students who attend the socialization activities are students who express interest in enrolling in official schools.

This socialization was filled by employees of BPS Badung Regency who are also STIS alumni, namely Mr. I Kadek Dwi Pramana Putra, S.Tr.Stat. and accompanied by Mr. Dr. Yudi Agusta, M.Sc as Head of Badung Regency BPS in the Widya Sabha Hall of SMAN 2 Abiansemal.


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