Virtual Apple Monday 18 April 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Virtual Apple Monday 18 April 2022

Virtual Apple Monday 18 April 2022

April 18, 2022 | Other Activities

Monday morning, April 18, 2022 BPS Badung Regency started by holding a virtual apple ceremony which was attended by all Badung Regency BPS employees.

In the apple supervisor's mandate, the regional inspector reads a message from the Regional Inspector I wish you a happy fasting worship and this momentum is used to continue to train attitudes and thoughts, so as to produce positive energy that supports productivity and creativity in working for BPS.

The important message conveyed by the Head of BPS at the beginning of the year was that we all remain focused on implementing the 7 main agendas of the direction of BPS change. One of them is related to the Collaboration in Overseeing Changes in BPS through increasing the role of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) in supervising Organizational Performance Achievement. BPS realizes that the implementation of supervision is not enough to only be in the form of financial audits, it is necessary to expand the scope of performance monitoring, focus on improving business processes and policy direction strategies. In an effort to achieve the Main Inspectorate's Vision, namely "Being a Trusted Partner in Providing Quality Statistical Data", four action plans were launched, namely, Performance Audit, Probity Audit, SAKIP Guidance Assistance, and SAKIP Implementation Evaluation.

Rest assured that whatever contribution we make and we give sincerely to BPS, it will be part of the history of BPS progress, and hopefully it will become a worthy charity for all of us.


#Virtual Apples
#Bureaucracy Reform
#DataIntellecting the Nation
#Quality Statistics Data Provider
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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