To get the data Statistics of Badung Regency, Please come to our Integrated Statistical Services at Raya Darmasaba Street, subdistrict Abiansemal, Badung Regency, every work days start from 08:00 to 15:30 WITA
Do you need statistical data and consulting services? Please go through the Whatsapp chat service 0822-1010-5103 or email All of our services are free (no charge).
TikLiDaKu Guidance in Kuwum Village Phase Two
September 6, 2021 | Other Activities
Monday, September 6, 2021, I Nyoman Wijaya as the KSK of Mengwi District, held a working visit related to the Development of Supporting Data Guardian Statistics (TikLiDaKu) in 2021 in Kuwum Village.
In the process of identifying village data needs in Kuwum Village, from the 575 required data, 53 types of data are available. This identification activity was carried out after coordinating with the Kuwum Village Perbekel and the Head of Government and staff. Furthermore, the process to complete village data needs to support the Badung One Data System will be continued in stages.