Food Crops/Tiles Agricultural Survey 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Food Crops/Tiles Agricultural Survey 2022

Food Crops/Tiles Agricultural Survey 2022

April 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

The agricultural sector is one of the important sectors in national economic development, especially the food crops sub-sector, namely rice, corn, soybeans which are strategic commodities and become a benchmark for national food security. Complete, accurate, and up-to-date data support is very much needed in the framework of policy formulation related to food.


The Food Crops/Tiles Agricultural Survey is conducted to provide data on food crop production and other supporting data related to the area of ​​raw land according to use, especially paddy fields, the number of agricultural machines and seed data.


The results of the 2020 Tile Survey show that 65.60 percent of lowland rice households cultivate lowland rice in irrigated rice fields. The percentage of lowland rice households that apply the monoculture planting method is 97.99 percent, while for upland rice households it is around 87.53 percent. This data can be found #SahabatData in the publication of Analysis of Rice Productivity in Indonesia 2020 at the link -results-survey-tile-.html










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