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Grain Producer Price Survey (SHPG) 2022
April 21, 2022 | BPS Activities
The Grain Producer Price Survey (SHPG) is carried out every month with a sample area of 30 provinces. The purpose and objective of this survey is to monitor and collect data on grain prices and grain quality at the farmer and mill level. Furthermore, the price data is used as an early warning system in the context of securing the Government Purchase Price (HPP).
The output of this survey is presented on the BPS website, BRS which is released at the beginning of every month, as well as the Publication of Rice Producer Price Statistics and the Publication of Evaluation of Rice Producer Price Statistics which are released annually.
Judging from the composition according to the grain quality group, the total number of observations on the price of harvested grain transacted during January–December 2021 was dominated by the quality of GKP 12,889 observations (62.81 percent), followed by grain quality GKG 4,090 observations (19.93 percent) and outside quality 3,541 observations (17.26 percent). Complete data can be #SahabatData access to the publication of Grain Producer Price Statistics or directly on the page