Rural Consumer Price Survey (HKD) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Rural Consumer Price Survey (HKD)

Rural Consumer Price Survey (HKD)

April 26, 2022 | BPS Activities

The purpose and objective of this survey is to obtain a price index and other price indicators, in order to meet the needs of data and information in order to support planning and early observation on the implementation of rural development.

The outputs of this survey are the publication of Statistics on Rural Consumer Prices for Food Groups; publication of Statistics on Rural Consumer Prices for Non-Food Groups. When compared between times in 2020, the retail price of rice in rural areas is on average very fluctuating. Nationally, the highest average price occurred in April 2020 which reached Rp. 11,622 per kg, while the lowest price occurred in December which reached Rp. 11,471 per kg. Complete data can be accessed #SahabatData on the page


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