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Wholesale Price Survey (HPB)
April 26, 2022 | BPS Activities
The Wholesale Price Survey (HPB) was conducted to obtain the Wholesale Price Index (IHPB) figures. IHPB is needed as an indicator that can describe the development of commodity prices at the level of wholesalers (distributors or wholesalers).
The output of this activity is the Publication of the Wholesale Price Index which contains the figures for the 2018 Wholesale Price Index (2010=100) by sector/commodity group, by sub-sector/commodity group, by type of goods, and IHPB Building/Construction Materials by type of building.
The highest change in the national index occurred in December, which rose by 0.73%. The highest increase occurred in the Agricultural Sector in December which rose by 1.68%. Complete data can be #SahabatData access on the page