Fisheries Company Survey, TPI/PPI/PP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Badung Regency

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Fisheries Company Survey, TPI/PPI/PP

Fisheries Company Survey, TPI/PPI/PP

April 26, 2022 | BPS Activities

Collection of more complete, accurate and up to date data on the fisheries sector is needed in policy formulation so that the resulting policies become more focused and on the expected targets. Fishery data that has been collected by the Central Bureau of Statistics is fish production data collected through the approach of a legal entity fishery company, both fish cultivation companies and fishing companies, and Fisheries Ports (PP) whether or not they have Fish Auction Places (TPI). and Traditional Fish Landing (PIT). Data on fishing companies is collected on an annual basis, data on Fishing Ports and Traditional Fish Landings is collected on a quarterly basis, while data on TPI is collected on an annual basis.

The production value of fishing companies in 2020 in Indonesia reached 2.77 trillion Rupiah with a production volume of 187,272 tons or equivalent to 97.41% of the total revenue. This data is presented in the Fisheries Company Statistics Publication 2020 which can be accessed #SahabatData on the page


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