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Interregional Trade Survey (PAW) 2022
April 21, 2022 | BPS Activities
Inter-Regional Trade (PAW) is the trade and distribution of goods from one province to another that is different within a country. Trade between regions has an important role in national economic development.
The purpose of the Inter-regional Trade Survey is to obtain the value and volume of trade, obtain a trade map, and find out the main modes of transportation used in inter-provincial trade. Trade data between regions obtained in a complete and continuous manner can support the preparation of the GRDP of Provincial Expenditures.
Cattle is the main commodity group for inter-regional sales in Bali Province with a sales value of 548 billion rupiah and the main mode of transportation for inter-regional trade in Bali Province is air transportation. This data can be accessed #SahabatData in the publication of Inter-Regional Trade in Indonesia in 2021 on the page